A few weeks ago I wrote about how I had found a cool weekly race I found in the next town over. I wrote that I was excited to start going to it and meeting people in the running community around where I live. Sadly, I must report that I have not made it back since. In fact, I suspect that I will not make it back at all. Now, this doesn't have anything to do with my motivation, though that has been a bit of an issue as I mentioned here, it is just a schedule thing.
Since I started actual work I have been working solidly over 9 hours a day (typically getting in at about 8 and leaving between 6 and 6:30, with a 15-30 minute lunch break in the middle). On top of that I have been going to a building that is farther away from my house than my normal office which has left me with a commute that is about 90 minutes each way. When you total that all up I'm spending 12-13 hours a day involved in something related to work. Add in 8 hours for sleep and 1 hour to get ready in the morning, I'm left with 3 hours in the evening to run, eat, and relax. I usually get home between 7 and 8, and I aim to be in bed by 10. Since the races start at 7, obviously I can't get to them. As sad as that is though, the bigger problem is that I am having trouble finding time to run. Today I got home at 7 and went right out for a 3 mile run. Now it is 9:30, I am still eating dinner, and need to be in bed in 30 minutes... So, I guess this continues my quest to find time to run.
I know at this point that I will not prevail tomorrow. My Dad will be in NYC for business and we are going to meet up for dinner. There goes running, out the window. Oh well, it will be good to see my Dad, so I don't mind
Once you don't have as huge a commute you should try running in the morning. Maybe not every day, since it would cut into that whole sleeping thing.