Sunday, September 11, 2011

Training, Week of 9/11; Novel in a Month Update Super-post

Running this week:  I started off strong, but fell apart over the weekend, taking Friday and Sunday off.  I ended the week with 37.7 miles in 4:36:35 (7:21/mile average).  Not exactly a dumpster week but not great.  Brianna and I headed to Worcester for a medieval fair and didn't get much sleep over the weekend so although I have time to run on Sunday, I decided not to push myself too hard while I'm tired.  I've been invited to run with some of the engineers who run at work, so I'll probably start joining them at lunch, which will take some logistical thought in order to get my work done and run and not be at work all day.  Should be a nice change and will hopefully serve as extra motivation to get out and put the miles in.

The next corporate 5k is on Wednesday.  I should place highly and will need to run pretty quickly to help my team in its rivalry against the local shoe store.  I'm looking forwards to it.

Novel in a Month:  I'm behind.  I skipped a couple days and I need to be at 18,333 words to be on pace at the end of the night; at this point, I only have 10,707.  This means that if I don't get any writing done today (it's not looking promising...) then I will have to increase my average to 2069 words/day.  I don't know if I can do that, but I'm going to keep trying and we'll see how many words I can get in before the end of the month.  I have also decided that if I finish the story before the end of the month, then I'll stop writing.  I am 20% of the way through and I haven't finished setting the story up, so I don't know if I'll finish early after all.


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