Sunday, September 4, 2011

The Challenge Continues (Part 1)

I began the challenge of writing an entire 50,000 word work of fiction on the beginning of the month, intending to finish by the end of September (giving me 30 days).  You can read more about that here.  I have done pretty well so far, reaching 5,029 words in 3 days (I have not begun for today, I suppose this is a form of procrastination).  Some things I have noticed:

  • My writing style leaves much to be desired.  I write in the same style that I speak and I don't think that I'm very good at communicating ideas clearly all the time.  It is definitely not the same as the books that I have read and it's not different in a good way.
  • Writing 1667 words per day is a lot harder and more time consuming than I expected.  I was surprised when it took me two and a half hours the first night.  I thought that I had this great story all thought out but I've decided to let it flow and that's been taking more time than I anticipated.
  • As with time, I also find that there are more words than I expect the longer I wait in between checking the word count.  Perhaps having it so available at the bottom of the screen is not a great benefit.
  • Getting ahead is not going as well as I expected.  I find that while I'm in the exposition phase of the story, I'm not super excited to decide what happens next and so I'm quite ready to be done when the daily milestone rolls around.  Hopefully when I get to the action the writing as well as the story pick up.
I have changed the paper to be 8.5x5" so that I don't have to look at quite so much blank space when I begin each page and it seems to make the writing go a little faster.  I tried to explain why I'm doing this but I couldn't really come up with a good reason.  I'm not trying to make a quality story, just a quick one and I guess it's just for fun.  Maybe I'll learn something from it?


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