Sunday, May 22, 2011

Training, Week of 5/22

This past week was the first week of training since the end of the track season.  I don't know what I'm training for yet, other than increasing the number of miles I run per week.  I ran 28.8 miles in 3:28:55 (7:16/mile average).  This is probably a little faster than I will be able to maintain as my weekly mileage increases, but I'm not concerned about injury because the runs I've been doing recently are fairly short.

Runs this week have felt a little more difficult than I would have expected.  I think it may be because of the increase in temperature since I last ran and the time off that I took.  My longest run of the week was 6.86 miles which felt about the same as all of the other runs this week, which I take to be a good sign.  I think that I've stopped the atrophy of my fitness but it will be some weeks before my fitness starts increasing again.


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