Tuesday, November 1, 2011

I'm Back!

Whoa, two things happened for the first time in a while today: 1) I'm writing a blog post! 2) I went for a run!

Holy smokes, what am I doing? As far as the blog post goes, just finally getting back to it and ruminating about my running.

On the running side though, I think I am finally going to get back into it. I've said for a while now that I would get back into running when I felt that I really wanted to. So, finally it seems that has come. For a little while I have been wishing I could run more, but was frustrated by the amount of time that work took up. I finally came to the realization that I simply need to sacrifice a bit of sleep for it (probably not more than 1/2 hour a night), and that I think it will be worth it for the sake of my sanity and my energy levels (and my waistline...).

Besides, I am planning on running a Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving day, so I want to do more than just waddle through it. How good of shape can I get in over the next three weeks just running a few miles most nights? Probably not very, but it will be better than nothing. So, here goes.

Lane, if you would be so kind: Cue the training montage


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