Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Blogging Montage

Well Lane,

I never did see a training montage as a response to my last post, to which I'm attributing my poor training and lackluster performance at Jarred's Run last week. Regardless, in the interest of reviving this blog, please scroll slowly through the following pictures and hum Chariots of Fire. I hope it will suffice for a (rather short) montage. Enjoy!


Sunday, November 27, 2011

I'm Back (This Time It's Lane, and It's for Real)

I have neglected this blog for a while and that's been bad.

I have decided to can the math posts for now.  They take too long to write well to fit into my schedule on a consistent basis.  They may reappear in the future or not, we'll have to see.  Regular running updates will resume, starting immediately:

The past couple weeks have been interesting.  I put in weeks of 65.5, 29.9, 70.0, 50.2, and 26.0.  Why the inconsistency?  The 29.9 mile week was done in three days (I took 4 off due to no power and dangerous conditions: I wasn't getting any kind of quality sleep and was just trying to survive) and the 50.2 was the first week of a taper for my two goal races of the "season", the Hot Coco 5k and Jarred's Run (a 5k/10k).  I took second in the Hot Coco 5k and earned my first cash prize of $50.  I suppose I won't quit my day job.
I had anticipated a quicker race than actual materialized.  I had planned to stay comfortable the first mile and start picking people off in the second and third miles.  Instead, a pack of 4 ended up running at a pace that was fairly comfortable for me nearly the entire way and the race didn't break open until about half a mile from the finish.  I was caught a bit flat-footed but still managed to take second with a near-PR in 16:26.

Leading up to Thanksgiving morning, I had won the 5k at Jarred's Run twice, won the 10k once, and taken second in the 5k once.  I had decided on the 10k to try to break my relatively soft PR (35:11).  I assumed the race would be a lonely time-trial.  I started out quick, with one of my high school teammates who was running the 5k flying out of the gates.  I wanted to keep up with him and when he started to fall behind, I pressed on, passing the half-mile in 2:27 and mile in 5:07.  I knew these were too fast so eased off a little.  I got to the 2.5k mark in 8:26 and the 5k in 17:18, around 30 seconds ahead of my first 5k the previous year.  I had slowed down quite a bit and when I turned around I was surprised to see someone relatively close behind.  My mind somehow made me think the lead was only 20 seconds (unlikely...) so I really started to push myself.  I ended up putting the next 2.5k in 8:18 and the second 5k in 16:50 for a total time of 34:08.  I was really moving and pushing myself through the second half.  Second place came in around 37:50, so I don't think the estimated lead of 20 seconds was very accurate.  I decided to take the rest of the week off as if I had just finished a running "season".

I will write about the lessons learned from this summer and fall of training and racing soon.

Until then...

 Alex: cue blogging montage

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

I'm Back!

Whoa, two things happened for the first time in a while today: 1) I'm writing a blog post! 2) I went for a run!

Holy smokes, what am I doing? As far as the blog post goes, just finally getting back to it and ruminating about my running.

On the running side though, I think I am finally going to get back into it. I've said for a while now that I would get back into running when I felt that I really wanted to. So, finally it seems that has come. For a little while I have been wishing I could run more, but was frustrated by the amount of time that work took up. I finally came to the realization that I simply need to sacrifice a bit of sleep for it (probably not more than 1/2 hour a night), and that I think it will be worth it for the sake of my sanity and my energy levels (and my waistline...).

Besides, I am planning on running a Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving day, so I want to do more than just waddle through it. How good of shape can I get in over the next three weeks just running a few miles most nights? Probably not very, but it will be better than nothing. So, here goes.

Lane, if you would be so kind: Cue the training montage
