Yesterday's post was a possibly on the side of over-reaction. I still meant what I said and I'm going to be writing a ton of letters to the senate, the house, and there will likely be a note sent to President Obama in the near future. But it's late and I have to get up early and run tomorrow because right after work I'm leaving to go back to my parents' house for the long weekend! I'll probably be a bit like this tomorrow morning around 5:
I also want to leave a question that I wonder a lot about: why aren't there more vigilantes? Whenever I think about it, I am surprised that we don't hear of more vigilantes attempting to take the law into their own hands. I legitimately wonder about this, but I am also being a little lazy and I'm in the .gif mood so I'll stop writing and get right to the real point of this paragraph:
Justice-Tuna Cassarole |
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